There’s no shortage of YouTube film photography channels but it can be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff! But never fear! We’ve got you covered with 6 top-of-the-line channels that are worth following. Hit the jump for more!
The State Of YouTube Film Photography In 2025

Film photography is more popular than ever and there are a ton of YouTube film photography channels out there. But most of them are filled with the inane ramblings of photographers who are more interesting in gaming the algorithm to get more views than they are in providing any kind of valuable content.
But never fear! We’ve audited the YouTube film photography community to bring you the best channels that are definitely worth your time. So here’s that list!
1. Grainy Days
Grainy Days is filled with long form road trip videos where Jason Kummerfeldt sets out on his motorcycle to photograph abandoned buildings while he pines for the return of Kodak Aerochrome film.
Jason’s pithy self depricating humor gives the narration in even his longest videos a down to earth vibe. And you get the feeling he doesn’t take anything about himself too seriously. He definitely loves taking pictures and calls his favorite shots from each day “keepers” with the very best earning the title of “portfolio shots”.
But the channel is more than just videos of him walking around taking pictures. Jason will surprise you with special episodes that focus on things like identifying film cameras in popular movies or trying to make heads or tails of toy cameras like the Holga.
Grainy days has just over 250,000 subscribers at the time of this article. So ya. It’s pretty big.
2. Willem Verbeeck
Willem Verbeeck is a Belgian film photographer currently based in Los Angeles. At first look, this channel might look like another millenial with a monotone voice narrating videos of himself taking pictures of rocks and parked cars. And I admit that I originally didn’t see what the fuss was about.
But a recent video called “Summer on My Leica M4” (posted above) changed my mind. Willem spent the summer shooting street photography on his newly acquired Leica M4-2. And I was blown away. The dude has the rare ability to find meaningful images in the chaos of every day life. And he got some amazing shots!
Street photography is one of the most difficult genres of photography where the hit rate is super low. To tackle it on film and come back with outstanding results is something to be admired. I mean, take a look at this shot of a group of friends diving off a pier:

Instead of relying on visual gimmicks, Willem created a unique composition that is anchored in the moment itself. The shot reveals the as much of how these friends relate to each other as it does the action they’re involved in. An intimate moment that would normally disappear without anybody seeing it.
That’s isn’t just good street photography. It’s good photography. Count me a fan!
Willem’s channel has just over 420,000 subscribers at the time of this article. So ya. It’s huge.
3. Kyle McDougall
Right off the bat, let me say I’m a fan of Kyle McDougall’s channel. Kyle’s evuncular and patiend demeanor make his videos as enjoyable as they are relaxing. The channel is filled with info packed tutorials on subjects like film scanning using a digital camera as well as inspirational videos where he might tackle subjects like finding inspiration as he shoots urban landscapes with a wide variety of film and digital cameras.
His joy for the process is evident in anything he does. This is not about his proving anything or boasting about his abilities. It’s just one man sharing the joy of film photography. And I can’t get enough!
Kyle’s channel has just over 140,000 subscribers at the time of this article. So ya. It’s a big one.
4. Pushing Film
Hashem McAdem’s Pushing Film channel is made up of POV shooting videos as well as tutorials and reviews on every aspect of the film journey. Hashem is an Australian street photographer whose down to earth style make even the most tedious subjects approachable.
Pushing Film is clearly interested in creating a community space for film photographers and Hashem extends this idea with in person meet-up in Australia. And it’s this kind of broad thinking that make it more of a meeting place for like minded individuals than a simple broadcast mechanism.
Just over 62,000 subscribers at the time of this article. So ya. It’s getting big.
5. Analog Resurgence
Fellow Canadian Noah Henderson’s punchy and light hearted approach to the technical side of film photography make his channel Analog Resurgence stand out in my books. Noah has spent time working in Film Labs in Toronto and created the channel to share his knowledge on the history and how-to’s about a variety of analog formats including motion picture and still photography.
I can’t remember exactly how I found this channel but it might have been my curiosity about analog motion picture formats like Super 8 or 16mm. But Noah’s “just got out of bed” appearance and concise delivery won me over and I became a fan of the channel.
Just over 77,000 subscribers at the time of this article. So ya. Bigger than most.
6. Nick LoPresti
If you’re looking for something completely different then look no further than Nick LoPresti’s YouTube film photography channel. This is an emerging channel and Nick is a character that you won’t soon forget.
The fast paced comedic productions are filled with insane overreactions and eye popping emphasis shots. So much that you might think this whole thing is just a lark. But there’s a ton of solid information on a wide variety of film topics and processes. This isn’t just some photographer trying to be funny. Nick’s solid base of knowledge and super entertaining, madcap style make this channel shine.
Just over 7,000 subscribers at time of this article. So ya. Just a wee little thing but watch out for this guy!
Bonus – Karl Edwards (That’s Meeeee!)
I’m Karl Edwards and my Youtube channel was originally focused on street photography but when I made the switch back to shooting film a few years ago the channel followed suit. And now that 36 Exposures is a thing I changed the channel name a whole new wave of film photography content is on the way.
There’s a lot of digital cameras in my earlier videos. But now that I’ve seen the light and rebuked those sordid satanic sensors we can overlook this temporary lapse of judgement and look the the future. Which ironically is using the photo methods of the past. But you get my point!
My channel has just under 11,000 subscribers at the time of this article. So it’s not exactly huge. But I’m working on it!! LOL!
The Last Word

It can seem like most of the photography channels on YouTube (film or digital) are just a bunch people walking around taking pictures then talking about themselves to prove their own self worth. I mean how many times do we have to see some guy take a picture with his camera on the sidewalk. We get it.
This is the first installment of an ongoing series where we bring you outstanding YouTube film photography channels. These are people how have a unique voice and are able to create videos that are informative and engaging at the same time.
The list is by no means complete. But it’s a start. And all of these folks are worth your attention!
What’s your take on our first list of YouTube film photography channels? Do you jive with our choices? Or did we miss one of your favorites? Post your ideas in the comments below and keep the conversation going!