The film photography renaissance is in full swing and 36 Exposures is your new home for news, reviews and inspiration for film photographers from around the world. Join us as we celebrate the joy and beauty of shooting with film in all its many forms. Hit the jump for more!
What Is 36 Exposures?

36 Exposures is all about film photography and the many reasons film photographers love this medium.
There are already plenty of other sites that review different film stocks or talk about what antique cameras you could buy. And while that kind of content has its place, we wanted 36 Exposures to be different. We’re less interested in talking “about” film and more interested in creating content “for” film photographers. Things that film photographers will find interesting.
Think of it as a launch pad filled with news, reviews and inspiration that’s focused on the world of film. Any topic related to the timeless beauty of film photography is up for grabs!
Film Photography Is Not Dead

There was a time in out not-so-distant history when all photography was film photography. Then digital photography appeared on the scene with its whiz bang technology that provided outstanding ease of use and instant gratification. And for most people, film photography became a thing of the past.
But film didn’t die. A small but dedicated group of photographers recognized everything film still had to offer and embraced the medium in spite of the the rising costs. And that small group turned into a thriving community. And slowly but surely people realized film was here to stay.
Why Would Anyone Shoot With Film?

That’s the fundamental question that we’re trying to answer at 36 Exposures. But we’re considering this with a positive light. It’s more like… What are all the reasons that people still shoot with film instead of digital?
Film has seen a renaissance in recent years. A lot of the post-pandemic film renaissance has been rooted in a wide spread desire for authenticity in media and a return to the craft of photography. Film negatives are kissed by the light at the moment of exposure so the feel more real. There’s no computer bewteen the image and the light and no procedural hi-definition algorithm that makes every image look the same.
The fact is, it takes a lot of skill and expense to create images with film. The fact that film photos aren’t an easy-get and this makes them easier to appreciate once they’re made. While I personally love the process of film photography, for me it comes down to one simple fact. Film just looks amazing!
Granted, there are tons of film similuations that can be applied to digital photographs that allow them to “approximate” the look of film. But they’re always just simulations to my eye. Something that aproximates what you get from film.
The only way you can get the actual look of film is to shoot with film.
The 36 Exposures Team

Karl Edwards – Founder & Editor In Chief
Karl graduated with a B.A.A. in photography from Ryerson Polytechnical University in 1990. His career as a professional photographer involves both stills and digital video production but his passion has always been street photography. Karl launched 36 Exposures in 2025 as way to explore the many joys of film photography for an audience of film photographers as well as admirers of the medium.
Karl started in photography in the 1980s when film photography was the only way you could make a photograph. Like many photographers he transitioned to digital photography as the technology improved but he longed for tactile feeling that shooting with film provided. His decision to return to film for all his personal work was based both on his love for the process of shooting and developing film as well as the tangible aestheic results that film photography produces.
“Of course shooting film is expensive. But that’s why I have a job!”
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You can find 36 Exposures on a variety of social media accounts. Give us a follow and send us a message using your platform of choice. We love hearing from our readers from around the world!
@36exposures on BlueSky.
@36exp_film on Twitter/X.
@karledwards on YouTube.
@36exp_film on Instagram.
@36exp_film on Threads.
What’s your take on 36 Exposures? Are you excited to have another site dedicated to the craft and timeless beauty of film photography? Post your ideas in the comments below and keep the coversation going!